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How to name the valve

Date:[2011-07-29]     hits:

How to name the valve?

The name of the valve by transmission, connection form, structure, lining materials and types of naming. But the following are omitted in the naming:

In this case,

(1) Connection form: "flange".

In this case,

(2) the structure of the form:

A: the "gate", "elasticity", "rigid" and "single gate" of the gate valve;

B: cut-off valve and throttle the "straight-through";

C: the ball valve "floating" and "straight-through";

D: Butterfly valve "vertical plate";

E: diaphragm "ridge";

F: plug the "fill" and "straight-through";

G: check valve of the "straight-through" and "single-style";

H: safety valve of the "closed."

In this case,

(3) the valve seat sealing surface material in the name of the material.